The Chunk World

The Chunk World or SChunk World is the main actor used in VoxelWeaver. It contains all the mesh and foliage component and hosts the terrain generation updates .

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There are a lot of settings you can edit: but the main ones are here.

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  1. World Index: Switch the current VoxelWeaver Project this SChunkWorld Actor uses, see Creating your first World

  2. Max LOD: Changes the Max LOD that this Chunk World uses to generate its octree. Visualize this by enabling Draw Debug Chunk Bounds and entering PIE.

  3. Infinite World: Changes whether this Chunk World uses the World Size, or generates infinitely everywhere.

  4. Show In Editor: Shows the Chunk World in Editor


Play around with these settings to change how many threads VoxelWeaver uses to generate the meshes and foliage:

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More concurrent tasks will speed up generation but use more computer resources. The default settings should work for most users.